

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Follow me here

I was bouncing back and forth for awhile.......still like here better I think, but am back at WP :P

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Not Sure What to Think....

There is a sign attached to the light pole at the end of our road, where it turns onto the 'main' road.

Female Shitzu
Red Collar
Dead or Alive

Not quite sure what to think of this one. Personally, when it comes to Shitzus, I don't care for them dead OR alive, but if it was my beloved pooch, I would prefer "Alive". I realize that this person, ultimately, just wants to know for sure what happened to their dog, but the wording struck me as quite odd. Mayhaps it's just me..... I hope the little pooch is found....'alive'.

My back continues to feel terrific (well, as terrific as it can), but the damage I inflicted on my hip by waiting too long to get my injection is still causing persistent discomfort, accompanied by frequent and searing jolts of pain. These jolts are accompanied by involuntary yelps of pain which Hubs is finding most distracting/disconcerting/annoying. I suppose I need to get an appointment with my "Hip Doctor", who is in the same office as my "Spine Doctor", but not to be confused with my Neurosurgeon. I have been going with the logic that I caused a severe bout of Bursitis to flare up, but it does feel different this time than last. And although I am 'resting it' sorta kinda (by not working, at least) it will only ease up a bit after a handful of Tylenol and then returns with a vengeance! The strangest motions set it off. For example....I just now, quite simply, reached for my Pepsi can to take a sip, whilst sitting in my chair typing this. Only moved my arm about 10 inches.....and YELP! It's just what I need. There's no end to it.

And speaking of my 3 doctors, I am having a rather difficult time with the one that I think should be signing my Leave of Absence papers for W*M. Been waiting all day for a call back from the disagreeable wench that does his LOA and Disability paper work. She is one of those people that is "too busy" to shut up and listen, so we had quite an annoying conversation. Since it is now past their closing time, I will pursue her again in the AM, because I NEED SOME ANSWERS HERE!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

SURPRISE! Or Not.......

So, I have been playing around over here cuz I'm tired of the limitations that confront me with my lack of knowledge and ability and am finding that I might just like it here for a change........or not. We shall see. Nothing is set in stone. I'm just gonna post here tonight and see how I feel about it :)

Having this time off from work, I have been able to get back in my kitchen with some time and energy and actually prepare meals, people! I love to cook, although I do admit to the act of doing it e.v.e.r.y. night for 40 years became a bit dreary and tiresome. The past year that I have been at W*M, working late hours, has left Chuck to fend for himself most nights so he is enjoying having real meals every night once again, as well. I've been sticking with old favorites, until last night whist chatting with my sweet Terri on line and she gave me the incentive to try a new dish. She was telling me about a new restaurant that we need to try when I go up to visit and that they make the best Carne Asada. Not knowing what that was, I looked it up, found this and made it for dinner tonight
It turned out delightfully delicious! The meat marinade was heavenly, key notes being the fresh lime and cilantro complete with the char broiled effect of my grill. Very Yummy and a keeper for sure!

It was a beautiful day here today, but I for sure felt in my 'mental element' as a Yankee Lost in the Ozarks! As I was flitting around town (well, hobbling, rather than flitting, as my hip is still bothering a bit. Whatever) thoroughly enjoying the 68 degree day I began to notice something. It wasn't sunny, but rather cloudy and very misty. Enjoyable temp, nonetheless! I was noticing, however, that I was pretty much the only person wearing shorts and a t-shirt. People had sweaters on. Some people were wearing jackets. WTF?!? I began to feel a bit out of place (which I am) and like people were 'looking' at me (which they were). LOL Kinda funny I think.

I was finally able to get my Leave of Absence packet from W*M late this afternoon, so tomorrow I will proceed to determine exactly which Doctor will take responsibility and sign it for me. Once that is turned in, my Short Term Disability should kick in and I'll be good until I see the surgeon on Oct 8th and start the process for the real thing. I am wondering if I should do this with the aid of an attorney, however. I suppose the Doctor can advise me on that from his experience. Any of you that have any insight, please feel free to share your comments.

I'm going to lunch with Victoria again tomorrow. We had such a good time last week and it was so good to be with someone that I have known for so long and so well. We caught up on kids, cats, dogs, mutual friends, old co-workers. It was all good and I truly enjoyed it. Last time we tried, I guess I just wasn't ready. It didn't feel right. Now it does.

I think that's it for tonight. I have some quilting to do before Chuck goes to bed and the sound of my sewing machine keeps him awake. Geez. For such a big house, there are no quiet corners! Mayhaps I could move my sewing room to the barn :) (or his bed......)

Sunday, September 20, 2009