

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kickin' A$$

I went to Physical Therapy this morning and J (my sweet and awesome Therapist) decided that since today marked 10 weeks Post-Surgery, she wanted to analyze my flexibility and range of motion.  The results were much better than she anticipated and I am totally jazzed!!  Next week she is going to go over with me what housework I can start doing and give me tips on how to do it.  Darn! 

The great thing is that I have had very little pain this past week.  More yesterday afternoon and evening and this AM that during the past few days and I know that it is a result of spending too much time in my computer chair messing with this blog.  I have tried everything to make this chair more conducive to my condition, but all attempts have failed. I really need a different chair. I know that I can not sit in one place, especially if I am sitting incorrectly, for more than 1/2 and hour to an hour.  Need to move around, walk some, do stuff, sit in a different chair, etc..  She did bump me up to 15 minutes on the Step machine, so I'll be doing that everyday for sure, before the kids arrive on the 18th.  It really is helping my walking so hopefully by then I will be able to walk farther and stand longer!! 

So....about the Blog.  I added a Blog Roll, but right now all I have on it are pretty much people that I know, or am pretty sure still read me.  I know that some of you have Blog Rolls and some of you don't.  What are your reasons for having or not having one???  I, personally, like going to someone's page and seeing "Yankeechick" on their Blog Roll.  Makes me feel good.  Connected, ya know?!?  What do you say???


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