

Friday, February 10, 2012

Here's the Deal

I think I need to change my identity.  I need to revert back to the whole Yankee Chick scenario.  I was trying to start fresh a few months ago by blending my Mama Monroe persona with the blog thing, and it's just not right.  It doesn't work for me.  Mama Monroe is my Roller Derby name and Roller Derby is all about my family and Alaska friends.  I will always be Yankee Chick and in the World of Blog, I need to return to that.

Not that there won't be much ado in my blog regarding Roller Derby....there certainly will!! And although there will be much redundancy between FaceBook and my blog, the bulk of my FB friends and posts revolve around Derby and Mama Monroe type stuff.  It's hard to explain, so I'll stop trying.  Suffice to say, Yankee Chick is back....and it might involve a move, to either a new blog or back to my old one.  I'll probably figure that out tonight, and steer y'all in the right direction.

In fact, now that I've informed you of this decision....I think I'll go play around and will let you know what I decide :-)


  1. I will follow you wherever you go or whomever you are in the moment.

  2. We use our journals to help us figure out what we want to do. Makes sense to me.

    As Poolie says, we will follow wherever you care to lead us.


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