

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Skylights and Google Reader

I just realized that I didn't even enter a title for yesterdays post.  That's okay.....the 3 or 4 of you that read me don't mind, now do you?!

I just did a sad thing and went thru my Google Reader and deleted all the old blogs that I used to read, but for what ever reason the bloggers have quit writing.  I really miss a lot of these people and wonder what is happening in their lives these days.  Many of them are on FaceBook, so I keep in touch there.  I do love FaceBook, but it's no substitute for a blog.  I mean, it  IS if you have a very busy life and trying to blog was just too much to keep up with.  I have let that happen a whole lot the past year or two and the bad thing about that is that ones readership drops off.  Funnily (neener) enough, I have 26 people 'following' me on Reader, but I sure don't have that many people show up in my stats!  Most of them are probably some of the same ones that I just deleted.  LOL

My trip to San Diego was such a delightful change from my usual dreary and relatively isolated life, that I will probably be writing tid bits about my adventures  for quite some time!  Last night while I was replying to a comment that Indiana Terri left, I had made mention of trying to photograph Poolie's posters without the glare from the skylights.  Later I got thinking about our 2nd day there, when I finally decided to ask Poolie what I was doing wrong with the bathroom lights.  I asked her to go in with me and show me the mystery of why it seems so bright in there sometimes and other times, it is pretty dim.  She took me in, showed me the light switch, flicked it on and with a flourish of her hand, showed me that the lights over the sink did, indeed, come on.  I pointed to the ceiling and asked (like the dumb ass Yankee that I am) "what about that light?  it was much brighter earlier!"  As she burst into that delightful laugh that I (usually) love so much, the 'light bulb' in my wee leedle brain went on......and we simultaneously announced that it was a skylight!  O.M.G!!! 

That pretty much sums it up as to why they keep me around, doesn't it?!?  They are the "Larrys" and I am "my brother Darryl and my other brother, Darryl".  And if all y'all are too young to remember the Bob Newhart Show and have no idea what I'm talking about....well......just let Carlton the Doorman show you out! This Yankee isn't the brightest bulb in the box (especially under a skylight, at night) but by God, we won the fookin' war!!!  So there!
And for those of you that would like a bit of a longer trip down memory lane

I almost forgot!  My visit to the Cardio Vascular Center at the hospital here in Rogers yesterday was the usual fiasco.  Yet another reminder of why I drive an hour each way to doctors and the hospital in Fayetteville!  Anyway, once I FINALLY got to the place I needed to be and got signed in, I had the prettiest, bitchiest twit do the tests that my foot doctor ordered.  Holy Crap!  This chick was something else.  The tests were simple enough.  I had to lay on a table and she wrapped the calves of my legs with mondo blood pressure cuff type things and then stuck electrode thingys on my arms and feet and ankles....all whilst 'listening' to my legs.  (Yeah.  That's what I thought!)  Okay, this went on for several minutes while the machine I was connected to was emitting all sorts of bizarre sounds (that were apparently coming from my legs).  Since my spinal fusion, I can't lay flat on my bad very long without becoming extremely uncomfortable.  One of the ways of relieving the discomfort is to bend one,or both, of my legs up.  While she was getting out some more apparatus to attach to my toes, I bent my left leg up just a little, for a moment of relief.  Holy crap!  She turned around and SLAMMED my leg back down on the table and in a very ugly tone told me that I had to keep my legs flat!  Whoa there girly girl!! I rose up off that table and told her that she better not do THAT again!  Told her that leg is attached to a hip that desperately needs replacing and that in the past 2 years I have had a spinal fusion and the other hip replaced and it's pretty damn hard to lay flat on her stupid table while she dicks around!  (yes, I said that) And I told her that is she doesn't finish soon, that my left leg will begin spasming and there's nothing I can do about it!.  She backed down and was all apologetic.  Asked me what happened and if I'd been in an accident or something.  She had me so po'd that I lied.....but it sounded great.  I told her that my horse threw me about 3 years ago.  Hahahaha.  Heck, that's what most people assume happened and it sure sounds better than the truth of falling off my NoridTrac ski machine and landing on a paint can!  Anywho......I should find out in a few days if my toes are gonna fall off or not.  I sure hope not, cuz I'm clumsy enough as it is!


  1. Oh my. The experience with the nurse sounds awful. Did you happen to ask to speak with her supervisor? Glad you had a nice trip to visit Poolie. You deserved it!

    PS this is webmiss

    1. hey Little Buddy! You must be commenting from your new iPhone :). It's weird, but although I get an email notification of comments made via mobile, they don't appear on my blog. Boo! No, I didn't speak to her supervisor. I just wanted to get the heck outta there. Can you imagine how rough she must be with fragile 'real' old people? LOL Seriously. That makes me think and I do believe I will call.


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