

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brand New Day

Since my big ol' Pity Party the other day, I have received some awesome comments, emails and a couple of heart warming phone calls.  Friendship and caring......does a body good!

I also had an incredibly funny Googler reach my blog that day by Googling "butt fusion".  Thought I would die laughing.  Wondering if mayhaps it is someone about to go to prison and is afraid....oh, never mind.  Who knew it wasn't safe to talk about my spinal fusion in the same post as mentioning my horse being on her knees with her butt in the air???  When tracing the link back, this is what I found that the person had clicked on.  I must admit, it could pique one's couriosity....


It was Dixie's butt, up in the air. She was on her knees, in the fresh mud, ... At that point I will know, most importantly, if the fusion has 'taken' and ...

The 'thing' with my legs seemed to go away yesterday and so far today it hasn't afflicted me.  That has the potential of being a good thing because there is the possibility that it won't happen again....any more....never!  Or, it could be like other things and will pop up when I least expect it.  I'll pretend it's gone for good and go on about my business :)

Of course, it's rather hard to get on about my business when my Tahoe has been abducted by that Man and his dog!  Sadly Chuck's van died Friday and he has been having to use my Tahoe.  Originally, our mechanic thought he could have it fixed by yesterday or today (Thursday) to the tune of about $1000.  Gulp.  But, as of yesterday, after further investigation he found out that the van needs a new engine.  SO....that won't be done until NEXT Wed or Thurs and will cost more like $3500!  BIG gulp!!  He did toy with the idea of getting a new van, but figured that he'd have to shell out more than that for a down payment and then we would have another monthly payment to make.  Besides, he and that van have logged over 160,000 miles together and he seems to have some strange sentimental attachment to it. 

One good thing about it is that it keeps me from going to town and buying fabric and yarn and stuff.  Of course, it also keeps me from buying groceries and running errands for HIM but it works out okay. I have started knitting.  Not sure if I mentioned that here or not, but I have and I am working on a couple of projects, but always think of more and want to get the yarn for it now!  So, I'm finishing up a couple and getting a couple of sewing projects out and will be getting into them real serious here in the next few days.  Providing, of course, that I don't find myself in the midst of another Pity Party.  Those are very detrimental to the accomplishment of any projects :(.  But I shall think positive and remain optimistic.  I insist!

  For now, I shall go play with uploading some photos and will probably bore you with those later.